As the term implies there are multiple security zones that a person must pass security checks at before passing through. These can include an external barrier and fencing to prevent access to car park, to outer door security guards and inner door bio-metric-type security readers.
Server Rack Access Control and Cabinet Security
Server racks are generally fitted with a swing handle and keylock. Additional server cabinet security can be provided by replacing the standard swing handle lock mechanism with an RFID enabled swing handle lock to provide rack level access control. For the AKCP solution, the ACKPro Server software provides a complete audited trail of access events on a per cabinet or employee basis so that you know who has access which server rack and the date and time of the access event. The swing handles can be unlocked with the manual key override, an authorised RFID card or remotely under control via the ACKPro Server software. Up to 12 RFID cabinet locks can be connected to a single sensorProbe+ SPX series device.
Applications (40)
- Temperature & Humidity (29)
- Water Leakage Detection (27)
- Server Rack Monitoring (28)
- Hardwired Ethernet Devices (28)
- Wi-Fi Connectivity Units (8)
- Wireless Devices (13)
- Narrowband IoT Devices (4)
- GSM / LTE Comms (7)
- Battery Monitoring (7)
- Branch Circuits (2)
- Power Monitors (28)
- Security Monitors (26)
- Data Centres (7)
- Data Loggers (11)
- Data Aquisition Systems (9)
- Accessories (160)
RFID Swing Handle Lock Installation
Cabinet Access Control Units
The AKCP Cabinet Access Control Unit offers an alternative access control for the server racks allowing use of a card reader to gain access to the server racks.
Please contact our Projects Team for further information on how to secure your server racks.

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