1. Website Policies
The policies listed below are for www.ServerRoomEnvironments.co.uk. If you have any questions, views or comments on the policies below please contact us.
1.0 Privacy Policy
At Server Room Environments we believe user privacy and data protection to be human rights and that we have a duty of care to the people we interact with. Data is a liability and should only be collected and processed when absolutely necessary. We do not believe or support spam operation and will never sell, rent or other distribute or make public personal information we come into contact with.
1.1 Relevant Legislation
Along with our business and internal computer systems, the ServerRoomEnvironments.co.uk website is designed to comply with the following national and international legislation with regards to data protection and user privacy:
- UK Data Protection Act 1988 (DPA)
- EU Data Protection Directive 1995 (DPD)
- UK General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (UK GDPR)
- EU Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003
This website’s compliance with the above legislation, all of which are stringent in nature, means that this site is likely compliant with the data protection and user privacy legislation set out by many other countries and territories as well. If you are unsure about whether this site is compliant with your own country of residences’ specific data protection and user privacy legislation you should contact our data protection officer.
Please also see our GDPR and Data Protection Policy.
1.2 Website Visitor Tracking
1.2.1 Cookies and Personal Information
At Server Room Environments our websites use cookies for a variety of reasons which we describe below. The cookies we use do not store personally identifiable information. They cannot harm your computer and help us to achieve our goals of providing an information, personal and user-friendly experience for our visitors.
By using this website, you agree to the use of cookies as set out in this policy. You can find out how to control and delete cookies below. If you do not agree to such use, please refrain from using this website.
What are cookies?
A cookie is a small file which holds a certain amount of data, which our website can send to your browser. It may then be stored on your device and can be accessed by our web server. The cookie data can then be retrieved and allows us to customise our website pages and services accordingly. It is important to note that our cookies do not collect any personal data stored on your device.
What do we use cookies for?
Without cookies for some essential parts of our website could fail to function, and some pages and features may not load correctly or at all.
We use cookies for tracking visitors to our website, enabling us to view what pages are visited most often and other useful statistics to help us to improve our website. Cookies can also be used with regard to any advertising on or for our website, as well as for tools for us to track the success of this.
We may also use cookies with regard to social media integration on our website, in relation to buttons allowing you to share our site on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for example.
Any trusted partners that we work with may also utilise cookies in similar ways to those outlined. As mentioned above, these cookies do not store any personal details relating to you.
How to control and delete cookies.
We will not use cookies to collect personally identifiable information about you. However, should you choose to disable, reject or block our cookies, some parts of our website will not function fully, or in some cases, our website will not be accessible at all.
For more information on how to control your cookie settings and browser settings, or how to delete cookies on your hard drive, please visit https://www.aboutcookies.org.
1.2.2 Our Blog
Should you choose to add a comment to any posts on our website blog, you will need to use the Disqus comment box provided and for this to function, open or have an existing Disqus account. We consider Disqus to be a third-party data processor and our website will not retain information beyond displaying your comment, gravatar and Disqus name/account URL. Please note that you should avoid entering personally identifiable information to the actual comment field of any blog post comments that you submit on this website. If you wish to amend or delete and remove your comment please do so using the Disqus application.
If you are under 16 years of age you MUST obtain parental consent before posting a comment on our blog.
Please note that you should avoid entering personally identifiable information to the actual comment field of any blog post comments that you submit on this website.
1.2.3 Ecommerce Functions
Our website is e-commerce enabled. To open an account and place or track an order will require an account login. Non of the information provided is passed on to any of the third party data processors detailed below.
1.2.4 Support Tickets
Should you choose to raise a support ticket with us please email us. Non of the information provided is not passed on to any of the third party data processors detailed below.
1.2.5 Contact Forms and Email Links
Should you choose to contact us using the contact form on our website pages or an email link, none of the data that you supply will be stored by this website or passed to / be processed by any of the third party data processors defined below.
The data will be collated into an email and sent to us via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Our SMTP servers are protected by TLS (sometimes known as SSL) meaning that the email content is encrypted using SHA-2, 256-bit cryptography before being sent across the internet. The email content is then decrypted by our local computers and devices.
If there is a legitimate business need to discuss your enquiry with one of our approved sub-contract consultants or suppliers we will do so and assume that your privacy is protected through their organisation’s privacy policy.
1.2.6 Email and Newsletters
If you choose to join our email newsletter, the email address that you submit to us will be forwarded to Vertical Response who provide us with email marketing services. We consider Vertical Response to be a third party data processor.
The email address that you submit will not be stored within this website’s own database or in any of our internal computer systems. Your email address will remain within Vertical Response’s database for as long as we continue to use their services for email marketing or until you specifically request removal from the list. You can do this by unsubscribing using the unsubscribe links contained in any email newsletters that we send you or by requesting removal via email. When requesting removal via email, please send your email to us using the email account that is subscribed to the mailing list.
If you are under 16 years of age you MUST obtain parental consent before joining our email newsletter list.
While your email address remains within the Vertical Response database, you will receive periodic (approximately three-four times a year) newsletter-style emails from us.
1.3 How We Store Your Personal Information
Should you choose to contact Server Room Environments, our website provides enquiry forms and/or an email link which will open your email software. Our enquiry forms are driven from within the software that runs our website and will store the information you provide which is then sent to us via an email. The data you provide by email or enquiry form(s) may then be stored within our customer relationship management (CRM), quotation and accounting systems for legitimate business relationship purposes. A copy of any stored data can be requested relevant to an individual enquirer or client and be amended or deleted as the system functions allow.
1.4 About This Website Server
This website is hosted by Rackspace. All traffic (transferral of files) between this website and your browser is encrypted and delivered over HTTPS.
1.5 Our Third Party Data Processors
We use a number of third parties to process personal data on our behalf. These third parties have been carefully chosen and all of them are expected to be legislation compliant:
- Cartevo for website provision (Privacy Policy: https://www.cartevo.com/privacy-policy)
- Disqus for Blog Comments – https://help.disqus.com/terms-and-policies/disqus-privacy-policy
- Google – https://policies.google.com/privacy
- Paypal for online payments – https://www.paypal.com/en/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full
- QuoteValet for cloud based quotations – https://www.quotewerks.com/termsofuse.asp
- Rackspace – https://www.rackspace.com/information/legal/privacystatement
- Stripe for online payments – https://stripe.com/gb/privacy
- Vertical Response – https://ibuilder5.verticalresponse.com/privacy.html
1.6 Data Breaches
We will report any unlawful data breach of the ServerRoomEnvironments.co.uk website’s database or the database(s) of any of our third party data processors to any and all relevant persons and authorities within 72 hours of the breach if it is apparent that personal data stored in an identifiable manner has been stolen.
1.7 Data Controller
The data controller of this website is: Server Room Environments Ltd. Should further information be required please write to Server Room Environments Ltd at the company address marking your correspondence ‘For the attention of The Data Controller’ or email marketing@serverroomenvironments.co.uk with GDPR/The Data Controller in the email title.
1.8 Changes to Our Privacy Policy
This privacy policy may change from time to time in-line with legislation or industry developments. We will not explicitly inform our clients or website users of these changes. Instead, we recommend that you check this page occasionally for any policy changes. Specific policy changes and updates are mentioned in the change log at the end of this document/page.
1.9 Summary
Server Room Environments will not give, sell or disclose user identifiable information (such as your e-mail address if you have joined our email distribution list or been granted a password for a restricted access Server Room Environments website) to third parties.
Server Room Environments does not personal collect data using cookies. Server Room Environments shall not send you unsolicited e-mail promoting third party services.
Any information supplied to Server Room Environments will be treated in confidence and may be retained by Server Room Environments for future marketing of its own services. Any communication to Server Room Environments will be strictly confidential.
2.0 Internet Communications Policy
Server Room Environments e-communications are sent in compliance with the Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002, using the latest double opt-in Data Protection Act compliant software. Server Room Environments only sends e-communications to contacts who have had or are currently in communication with Server Room Environments as a customer, potential customer, supplier or other type of enquirer.
Server Room Environments tries very hard to make sure that they only send relevant information to keep their stakeholders up to date on Server Room Environments services and products.
All details recorded within Server Room Environments are used only for the purpose of sending this information. Neither Server Room Environments nor any contributors to Server Room Environments internet communications accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of their contents as they are transmitted over a public network. If you receive a communication in error please accept our apology. If this is the case please contact the sender and then delete the communication.
3.0 Disclaimer
Server Room Environments has taken all reasonable care in producing these web pages (www.ServerRoomEnvironments.co.uk), which Server Room Environments believe were accurate at the time of publication or last modification. Please be aware that specifications may be subject to change without notice and that Server Room Environments accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions. Users are advised to verify the details contained in these web pages with their relevant Server Room Environments contact before making decisions based on the published information. Views expressed within the content on this website are not necessarily those of the Server Room Environments.Server Room Environments shall not be liable for the content of such material.
Server Room Environments reserves the right to make changes to it website information without notice. In no event shall Server Room Environments be liable for damages arising out of or related to the information contained within pages on this or other Server Room Environments websites. Server Room Environments is not responsible for the content of any other websites linked to the Server Room Environments website.
4.0 Copyright Notice
Unless otherwise stated, all text and graphic materials on this website (www.ServerRoomEnvironments.co.uk) is copyright Server Room Environments.
Except where indicated otherwise (e.g. download areas, downloadable text, graphic files and pdfs), none of the material on this website may be republished or reproduced without permission.
Permission is granted for such material to be viewed, stored, or printed as ‘hard or electronic copies’. Computer code used within this website is copyright Server Room Environments.
All rights are reserved.
5.0 Change Log Information
0. no amendments to date.
Please note that the above policies may change from time to time in-line with legislation or industry developments. We will not explicitly inform clients or website visitors or users of these changes. Instead, we recommend that you check this page occasionally for any policy changes.
This policy is reviewed annually by the directors and management team or sooner if appropriate.
For other policies see our Integrated Management System page.
Ref: IMSPOL012-01