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Application Solutions

Server Room Environments are specialists in critical systems that can be used to protect, monitor and control IT,computing and network environments. These application pages provide an overview of the additional areas our systems can be used within, in addition to server rooms and data centres.

UPS Solutions

Server Room Environments has an extensive range of power protection products including uninterruptible power supplies, power distribution units and standby power generators for use in server room and data centres.

Here we also list a selection of other applications for our UPS systems. For each application we show a small selection of products for pricing and specification comparison purposes. If you cannot see the size of product or specific feature you need, please contact us.

Clients, Case Studies and Testimonials

Over the years, Server Room Environments had built up an enviable reputation for customer service and this can be seen in our client project portfolio, references and testimonials.

Every day we help our clients to protect, monitor and control the environments in which they run their computing applications and IT networks. The wide range of products we supply means that we find all sorts of applications for them. Some are the more traditional server rooms and data centres but in remote or industrial environments, others may be specific applications where it is imperative that the IT environment is power protected, cooled and monitored.

UK Warehouse and Project Management

At Server Room Environments we aim to offer the most competitively priced industry leading solutions. Every product purchase is backed up by our industry leading price guarantee, warranty and after-sales service cover. We can ship direct from our UK warehouse and deliver a turnkey project to suite your budget and timescales. Please contact us to discuss your application and project.


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