FAQs - Remote Power Reboots
Information on how to remotely reboot and power cycle critical IT devices using remote IP controlled reboot power switches.
Some of the reboot power switches available include scheduler functions that can be used to time the date and time for a connected load to be power cycled. Netio and Austin Hughes devices have this feature.
Room ambient temperature and humidity monitoring is available as plug-in sensor options for Austin Hughes MiniBoot devices. Other sensors options for the MiniBoot device include smoke and door contacts. The iBoot can be used with an Avtech Room Alert environment monitoring device. The Room Alert device will provide sensor information for the room environment and the iBoot the remote power cycling capability.
The Netio PowerPDU-4C can be connected in series to provide power distribution and remote power management for each of the outlets on the devices. The standard number of outlets per device is 4xIEC320 C13 type and so two devices connected in series would provide control over 8 outlets and three devices 12 outlets.