FAQs - IP Power Switches
A selection of the most commonly asked questions abour remote reboot IP power switches and their use and features.
MAC stands for Media Access Control and a MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller and is used on an IP Ethernet communications network to identify the device. Each remote reboot power switch has its own MAC address and this is used to register it on a portal or network for remote communications and power switching.
In a typical IP remote power switch each socket can be individually switched ON/OFF over an IP Ethernet network, either via on-premises software control or a cloud-based application. Drivers can also be used to interface with remote power switches for remote control applications.
Some remote IP power switches can provide additional power related information including Voltage (V), Frequency (Hz), Amps (A), Watts (W) and energy (kWh) values drawn by the connected loads. Dependent upon the actual model, the measuremnts may be avialable as a summary total for each individual power outlet or an indiviudal outlet socket.